Guess What?

We’ve been keeping a secret…..





I’m 13 weeks today! We are very excited! Please save all of your “I hope it’s a girl” comments, because frankly, I find them irritating as hell. We are happy to welcome another baby to our family, regardless if it is a boy or a girl 🙂

Making a move

I know I haven’t been at wordpress for a very long time, but I think it’s time for me to make some changes to my blog. I am going to be purchasing a new domain so I will have my own .com site! Unfortunately I’m going to have to change the name of my blog since my current title is not available to purchase. I plan to continue to use wordpress to write all of my posts as long as I don’t run into any issues.

I hope that all of my readers and followers will continue to laugh with me and follow me to my new site. I’m hoping that my own domain will give me the freedom that I am looking for in the blogging world. I am learning as I go, and I know I have room for improvement, but I truly enjoy writing and sharing my stories with my readers.


Holy Cow Kindergarten!

I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone. In just one week my little guy will be off to his first day of school! I am astounded at the amount of time that is being consumed just trying to get everything prepared for a successful first week back to school. The supply list alone took three separate stores to fulfil. Not to mention all of the paperwork that has to be completed on top of all the previous paperwork that has already been handed in. Then there is school clothes shopping, and new haircuts, and finding new shoes.

I sat down yesterday with a huge packet of information and began to mark my calendar for the ridiculous amount of events and meetings that take place when your child enters elementary school. I don’t remember it being like this when I was little, but then again I was five. What the hell did I know? The way they have kindergarten scheduled in our district is that your child may go the full day class (7:55 a.m. – 2:20p.m.) if you enter a lottery and their name gets chosen. Then you have to pay almost $400 per month for the cost of full-day kindergarten. That’s right folks, it’s not free! The other option is that your child may attend half-day (7:55a.m. – 10:50a.m.) and follow the same curriculum at a more condensed pace. We chose half-day since I am currently staying home.

I am so worried that Chase is going to be so bored. He’s barely in school for three hours, when he’s used to attending preschool from 8:30a.m. until 4:30p.m.. It’s just such a huge change. I can’t imagine what he can even learn in three hours. I know I’ll barely be able to make it to the grocery store and back before I need to pick him up! We’ll see how it goes.

Yesterday Tracy took him school supply shopping. Today I took both boys to get haircuts. We also got Chase two new pairs of shoes, and then headed to the mall to get him some new clothes to start off the year with. We still have more clothes to get him, but we’ll probably wait another couple of weeks. Poor Cal, he has nothing new 😦 We’ll be sure to spoil him on his second birthday, which is right around the corner by the way.

Chase has his “gentle start” next Wednesday. He’ll attend school with only about a third of his class that day. This gives the kids the opportunity to get comfortable with their teacher and have a bit more individualized time with them. He won’t go back to school until the following Monday. I personally think it’s unnecessary, but it is what it is. I’ll be sure to update how his first day goes!

3 years ago…

I feel so lucky to be celebrating three years of marriage with my amazing husband. After the hectic summer we’ve had it’s nice to look back to that day and smile. It was an absolutely beautiful day. One of the best days of my life. It was so “us”. We had a few snags in the day, but none of it mattered. I wasn’t a bride that had to have everything “just so”. I wasn’t a bride that thought it was all about me. As long as I was able to say my vows to Tracy in front of the people who cared about us the most I would be happy, and so I was.

So the laptop with all of the DJ’s music on it got stolen, so what? It worked out. So the DJ was a total creepo that hit on me the entire reception, eww, but so what? Our “best little man” (Chase) had a huge shiner in all of our pictures, so what? Chase also ended up in our bed at the hotel the night we were married. Typical us 🙂

I’m not sure I will ever be able to adequately describe my feelings for Tracy. There was just something different about him from the beginning. A connection that I’ve never had with anyone else. I wasn’t trying to find love, in fact I wanted nothing to do with it at the time. It didn’t matter.

There was no stopping it.

“I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness, and to have the patience that love demands. To speak when words are needed, and to share the silence when they’re not, and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.” ~ The Vow (Paige’s vows).


Happy anniversary to the love of my life.


Well we have met with two other neurosurgeons to see what their thoughts were about the mass in Tracy’s brain. All three nuerosugeons agree that surgery at this point would pose an unnecessary risk to him. This was good news to us, because we were hoping to avoid surgery at all costs. They also all seem to lean more toward some type of cavernous malformation, with only a small chance of it being a tumor. I have to be honest, I’m not sure if that is good or bad news, or if either diagnosis really makes a difference at this point. I won’t bore everyone and go into detail about every appointment we’ve been to, but we both liked the other two doctors more than the original. We were treated much better and spoken to in a kind and respectful manner.

Tracy has another MRI scheduled for next week to see if they can get a better look at the mass. Hopefully they’ll be able to give us an actual diagnosis this time. We’ll then send that MRI to the neurosurgeon that we met with at The Cleveland Clinic to see what his opinion is as well. For now Tracy has been feeling good aside from the occasional headache, and we’re just trying to enjoy the rest of our summer. We definitely appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers.


No one wants to see your boobs!

I totally stole this from my friend Beth’s Facebook wall, but it was too good not to be shared 🙂


I’m pretty sure that no one ever really noticed when I was nursing in public, because nothing was ever actually exposed, but this certainly was always my worst fear. And no, I didn’t use a cover. It only brought more attention and made my baby freak the freak out. If breastfeeding offends you, you may want to educate yourself, or you can always put a blanket over YOUR head.

Alert the authorities

Beware all of you pearl-clutching sanctimommies, the information I’m about to divulge may be too much for your precious, organic mindset. My children have eaten an absurd amount of fast food in the past few weeks. I’m talking way more than any person should probably consume in a year. When they haven’t been eating crappy kids meals, they’ve been choosing equally unhealthy options at home, and I just can’t care right now. Yesterday lunch consisted of peanut butter and honey sandwiches and ramen noodles (or as Chase calls them, “Po noodles”. You know, the kind that Kung Fu Panda’s Dad makes. Duh). Cal was unimpressed with these options, so he ended up eating a crap-load of kernel-less popcorn puffs to fill in all of those nutritional gaps.

I promise this is not the usual around here, but I just can’t get it up to prepare a meal. Tracy and I have also been eating our fair share of shitty food. It’s shocking that I haven’t gained an enormous amount of weight with all of the take-out we’ve ingested. The hospital had a Tim Horton’s and a Subway in it, and we took full advantage. Once we were home we ordered out a lot. Then the power went out, and we were using a ton of gift cards to random restaurants all around town for days on end. I swear if I never have to set foot in another Cracker Barrel again I’ll be a happy woman (how is that barftastic place able to exist?). It is not normal to eat that way. I was seriously sick to my stomach from all of the horrid food, or maybe it was the stress. Either way I’m feeling much better now.

It’s still a bit crazy around here. We haven’t put any of our pictures back up on the walls, I haven’t figured out exactly where I want everything with our new floors and paint. The crazy storms that caused power outages for a huge amount of people haven’t been fun. We weren’t originally affected by the outages, but the morning following the storm we had our power grid switched with the local shopping area. Screw the homeowners, people need to shop! Needless to say, this was just icing on the cake for our previously hectic week. Let me also point out that trying to get your already stressed out children to bed in a house that is 90 degrees, with no airflow and no electricity isn’t as awesome as it sounds. It’s really, really bad.

The next morning we packed up our ice filled coolers with food and headed to Tracy’s mom’s house for the night. Our neighbor let us know that our power was restored that evening, and we were more than thrilled to get back home in the morning. Apparently we weren’t done with being shat on, because the power went out again the very next day. Off to Tracy’s Aunt’s house for the night we went. It was super fun trying to get Cal to sleep there (please note the sarcasm).

Since the house is still in such disarray I’ve been putting the boys to work around here. They each were handed a brand new sponge, and proceeded to “clean” our new floors the other day. Whatever keeps them from making me want to pull my hair out, right? It went pretty well, but Callan wouldn’t stop licking the scratchy side of the sponge. Gross. Thankfully he wasn’t wiping the floor with that side, but still ::shudders::

I have nothing to really update about Tracy. We have a follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon on the 23rd. He’ll have another MRI, that hopefully will be read that day. The next day he has an appointment with a different neurosurgeon for a second opinion. We’re also trying to get him into the Cleveland Clinic, but these things take time. Thoughts and prayers are still very much appreciated 🙂